First Noshtastic Demo Setup
The first demo uses multiple meshtastic radios connected to a computer running a desktop (CLI) version of Noshtastic. Multiple radios can be connected to a single computer.
The following procedure presumes you are a rust developer and familiar with Meshtastic radios.
Build noshtastic
cargo build
Connect radios
Connect multiple radios with USB cables to the computer.
Load Test Data
IMPORTANT the testgw is only for initial testing. It’s important to only ingest a few dozen nostr messages for this purpose.
Open a separate shell for each connected Meshtastic radio. The following command specifies a standard nostr relay and filter expression to ingest test data:
RUST_LOG=debug,meshtastic::connections::stream_buffer=off \
cargo run -- -r wss://<relay-host> -f '{"authors":["<pubkey>"],"kinds":[1]}' -d dir0 -s /dev/ttyACM0
After the noshtastic node has downloaded a small number of events type ^C to kill it.
Repeat this procedure w/ the other noshtastic nodes, each in it’s own
shell. Make sure to use different -d dir0
and -s /dev/ttyACM0
options for each node.
A nice demo is 20 notes in one node, 6 different notes in second node and an empty third node.
Run the Demo
Start the first node:
RUST_LOG=debug,meshtastic::connections::stream_buffer=off \
cargo run -- -d dir0 -s /dev/ttyACM0
Wait 10 seconds until the node starts and has sent it’s initial negentropy request (which will fall on deaf ears …)
Start the second node:
RUST_LOG=debug,meshtastic::connections::stream_buffer=off \
cargo run -- -d dir1 -s /dev/ttyACM1
Start the third node:
RUST_LOG=debug,meshtastic::connections::stream_buffer=off \
cargo run -- -d dir2 -s /dev/ttyACM2
Node activity will be logged to each of the controlling terminals.
Please be considerate of your local Meshtastic network, don’t leave nodes running when you don’t need them and please don’t sync a large number of nostr notes!